Nagisa Tsuchida

Hi! I’m Nagisa, a girl from Japan. Right now I’m living in Europe on the island of Malta to improve my English and learn more about foreign cultures.

I started this website to share my love of traveling in all it’s different shapes. I do this in the form of articles with tips and tricks, guides, itineraries, hidden gems and much more. Mostly about my home country of Japan but occasionally about other spots in the world as I love traveling all over!

My story and inspiration in life ☘️

Growing up, family trips ignited my passion for different cultures. Since then I always dreamed of traveling all over the world. In Japan I studied to become a teacher at college for 4 years and then I enjoyed my career as an elementary school teacher, I loved my job, but missed traveling. I thought, “Is this it? No more exploring?”

After five years of working as a teacher, I took a leap and moved to Malta, craving an English-speaking environment and new adventures. I made friends from all over, traveled, and fell in love with the global vibe. I briefly returned to Japan but soon found myself back in Malta. I miss my Japanese loved ones and all of my homeland Japan, but right now, I’m diving into work, travel, and language learning in this vibrant corner of the world.

Latest articles by Nagisa Tsuchida

Nagisa Tsuchida

15 Magical Places to see Cherry Blossoms in Japan 2024 🌸

The enchanting cherry blossoms, painting Japan with the colors of spring, never fail to captivate our hearts, whether they bloom in the bustling city streets or elsewhere 🌸 But isn’t there something special about experiencing them at renowned spots? The cherry blossoms at these iconic locations offer a unique allure of their own 😍

Dazaifu in Fukuoka
Nagisa Tsuchida

The Best 6 Things to do in Wonderful Fukuoka, Hakata

If you’re planning to spend some time in Japan, don’t miss out on extending your trip to Hakata in Fukuoka. Indulge in delicious food, explore the historic Tenmangu Shrine, soak in the natural beauty, and have a blast at modern leisure spots. Let’s make unforgettable memories together 👍

Nyuto onsen
Nagisa Tsuchida

16 Best Onsen (Hot Spring) Destinations in Japan

Did you ever imagine that hot springs come in such diverse forms? 💭 And that they’re not just for us humans to soak in? Hot springs offer more than just a relaxing dip. The deeper you dive into their world, the more irresistible they become ♨️❣️